Care of your Olive wood products

Care of your Olive wood products.

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Care of your Olive wood products is adding new products so I wanted to give some advice on caring for these olive wood products, I’ll make it quick and to the point.

The olive tree ancient and symbolic of abundance and joy is a very popular choice for salad and other bowls, as well as chopping blocks, spoons and ladles and more.  Our olive wood products are handmade, and easy to care for. Olive wood products have a dense grain and can last not only for your lifetime but for generations.  Our Products made from olive wood may seem more expensive than similar items but your well-cared for piece of olive wood has a color and a luster that is unmatched by any other wood, and because Our wood is so dense research shows it’s much more resistant to bacteria than even plastic items; and is an investment that is well worth the money.

To care for your items:

Rub your olive wood products with olive oil at least once a month if you use the items frequently, once a week.  Use a soft lint free cloth and dip into the oil and gently rub, using a circular motion, over the surface of the wood. Work the oil into the top, bottom and into the sides, of the olive wood.  Wipe off excess oil with your cloth.  We suggest using Olive oil if using your items every day, make sense?  If you don’t cook very much and you items will sit for weeks without use, mineral oil would be a better choice so the oil doesn’t go rancid.

Tip: 1. Using oil keeps your olive wood items from drying out and splitting. If your olive wood has dried out and cracks are forming, you can submerge it in olive oil for an hour or so. Remove excess oil with lint-free cloths or a soft paper towel in a pinch. Your olive wood should darken slightly every time you rub it with oil.

2. Never, ever soak your olive wood in water. Always run water onto or dip your olive wood into water then quickly remove. Remember if you choose to use another oil to care for your items watch out for any allergies and avoid those oils, such as peanut oil if there is a possibility someone has a peanut allergy.

Long lasting beautiful olive wood, useful and no two are alike; take care of your wood and your great grandchildren will thank you.

Visit us today at for more information and email us if you can’t find what you need.Image

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Sizzling Summer days make cool refreshing salads a must!

At my addiction shop we are addicted toImage Super easy and refreshing salads.

This one is a favorite!

You’ll need~

5 cups seeded watermelon cubes

1 1/2 lbs. ripe tomatoes cut into 3/4 inch cubes

2-3 Tablespoons Balsamic Vinegar

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 medium Red onion quartered and thinly sliced

1/4 cup Extra virgin Olive oil


Mix watermelon and tomatoes in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and toss.  Let sit for about 15 minutes, next stir in onion, vinegar and oil.

Cover bowl and chill.  Sprinkle with Freshly ground black pepper (to taste)

Serve on Lettuce leaves or alone for a very refreshing summer salad … great on a hot day!

For a more substantial salad, add chunks of Gruyere or Feta….. refreshed yet?


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Why we’re so passionate about Olive Oil

 Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The Miracle Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil was once thought to be extremely difficult to acquire.  But with the many recent technological and agricultural advancements in recent years, this has had an increased positive effect on our ability to manufacture this miracle oil.  Some of the most favored varieties are grown in Italy and Greece, producing a premium quality EVOO due to this region’s unique soil content and optimum weather patterns needed for positive olive production.

What is Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

What classifies Olive Oil as being “Extra Virgin” is its acidity percentage.  EVOO must have less than 0.8% to be certified as “extra virgin”.  Because of this unique quality, if can sometimes be difficult to find.  It is made from only the finest quality olives and is not only consumed with food, but is also employed in certain religious practices in the Mediterranean and other areas of the world as well.  It is even used as medicine and beauty treatments, most notably as a skin moisturizing agent.

What are the Health Benefits?

The health benefits of EVOO are well documented.  EVOO is proven to protect against heart disease by reducing “bad” cholesterol while raising the levels of “good” cholesterol in the bloodstream.  It is high in oleic acid, which is considered to be one of the healthier fats that our body needs to consume in moderation.   Olive oil is also high in Vitamin E.

Medical research has discovered that by incorporating Extra Virgin Olive Oil into our daily diets in moderate amounts, the onset of osteoporosis, or bone loss, can be delayed as we begin to age;  it has been proven to reduce the risks of diabetes and stroke as well.  Along with preventative benefits against heart disease, it is also high in antioxidants which are essential to the digestive system and help to detoxify the body.  Antioxidants help protect and heal the body’s cells against diseases like cancer and the polyphenols in Olive oil improves brain function to boot.


How is it used in Cooking?

Most of us are aware of standard Olive Oil and its uses in cooking and baking, but EVOO is usually not meant for cooking at all.  It is meant to be tasted and savored like fine wine, with a superior aroma that is perfect when drizzled over soups or served with freshly baked bread as a dipping sauce.  It also makes for a delicious vinaigrette dressing over fresh vegetables and tossed salads.

The flavors may vary as widely as fine wine.  Just as different types of grapes produce different tasting wines, the type of olive in instrumental in the oil’s final flavor.  Other factors include the time of harvesting and the duration between harvesting and milling.

A crop that is yielded earlier in the season will produce a “grassier” taste, while those harvested later will taste slightly more “buttery”.  The quicker the olives are milled, the fresher the flavor.  Special care is also taken with the storage of Extra Virgin Olive Oils, providing constant monitoring of its exposure to light, oxygen and heat.

We believe that high Quality EVOO should never be heated.  By applying heat, your superior quality olive oil could  be reduced to a bitter and pungent concoction that will leave you disappointed. 

ImageAt you’ll taste the difference experience makes.

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Why can’t I find your olive oil in my grocery store?

 ImageI have to answer a question that I am asked almost daily and that is, “why can’t I find your

products in my supermarket”?  The simplest way to answer this question is this:

Small businesses need to do business online, not only because the world has changed and to keep up with market trends, but why is it some excellent brands may never appear on your supermarket shelves?


Consumers should know that the products they see on supermarket shelves almost always belong to the companies with the deepest pockets. You don’t necessarily have access at your local markets to the best products available when you do your daily shopping. 

So when you’re looking for quality and price, and yes, I know you’ve heard it before, it’s best to do your homework.

One can understand both arguments between supermarkets and suppliers in that with the proliferation of products available and the increasing scarcity of shelf space, some way must be put in place to determine what your supermarket will even look at carrying.  The reality is that those with the deepest pockets and greatest influence determine what is available to you the shopper.  Many, many companies with wonderful products cannot pay the extremely high prices to stock their products that supermarkets insist on, these stocking fees that can range anywhere from $25,000.00 to $250,000.00 for one item placed on the shelf, that does not mean these smaller companies don’t carry superior products at much better prices than is available in your supermarket, it just means that fees like this make it almost impossible for smaller companies to do business with the big supermarket chains.

Supermarkets understandably try to juggle the limited space available to optimize their profits and with so many new products available, they take a risk when placing new items on their shelves.  Unfortunately like everything else in our culture, 99% of the time it’s who you know and how much you can spend that determines if you will get on store shelves.  This pay to be seen industry has grown to include industry shows and companies that profile your business on television morning shows.  This pay to play or payola has been going on I suspect as long as business has been done, I just don’t think consumers are aware of how deep it runs in everything from broadcasting to politics to retail and almost every aspect of doing business today.  I will also point out here that it is quite expensive and time consuming for smaller companies to send out samples to buyers who have requested them and once the samples are received will not even have the courtesy of sending you a quick email to let you know their thoughts about your product or even acknowledge that you sent them.

As consumers we have to bear the consequences, the lack of being able to really know what’s available unless you take the time to look deeper. We don’t begrudge anyone trying to make money for their Supermarket chain, company or brand, but be aware when looking for great products that the best companies may not be able to afford the huge fees needed to attend every industry show or pay to appear on your TV or in your supermarkets.

That’s not to say it’s totally impossible to get products into some stores, but as a retailer of one of the best products that you probably have not seen on your supermarket shelf, we and many others fight the online battle and wage the word of mouth war to get your attention.

So please, do your homework if you’re intent on getting the best products at the best prices because there is a very good chance your market does not carry them!



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